When it comes to buying a house it is not easy to pay all the money up front. Also, even if you have the ability to do so, you never need to make such payments as you have reasonably good hire purchase arrangements at your disposal to finance it. With a small down payment, you could buy your house on a mortgage. There are several methods to do it.• Get a conventional mortgage on the property you buy.
• If your credit score is not good, go for alternative mortgage.
• Get owner financing to close the deal quickly.Conventional mortgage
If you are able to fulfill all the requirements of a conventional mortgage to finance the property you are going to buy, that is the best way to get a mortgage. You only need to fill up your application and submit to your lender. After careful scrutiny of your credit score and other details he will provide you with the mortgage. Then it is a case of making a small down payment and subsequent monthly installments. The mortgage may span a long term of 10 or 20 years.Alternative mortgage
In case you are not in a position to go for a conventional mortgage due to your not having a good credit score, you have the option to look for an alternative mortgage company. When you go for this type of mortgage you could not expect the same treatment as for a person who has a good credit score. Instead, they could offer you finance on stricter terms. They could ask for stricter terms on the following.• Down Payment.
• Interest rate.
• Loan amount.You could get your mortgage on higher down payment and interest rate. In addition to that they could limit the amount given on the mortgage also.Owner financing
If you are unable to get conventional mortgage due to your poor credit score or because you want to pay your debt quickly and own the house quicker, getting the owner to finance the hire purchase is the best. There is no third party involved in an owner financing deal. The owner will tell you his terms and if you agree, the deal could be closed. You will make a down payment agreed upon with the seller and afterwards will pay a monthly sum. In a short period of around five years, you will finish the payment to own your house.